today is the 3rd day i'm in canley, coventry. i don't how to express my utmost gratitude to kak balkis, she's the one who's taken care of me since my arrival here. with her 6 kids around (imagine that), i really feel at home. thanks to mar too, who's helped me & zamie settling down, assist us in university registration, opening bank account, collecting our student id, shopping and the list goes on.
so far, i'm still adjusting my hearing to how the local people speak. sometimes quite susah nak faham coz some people speak very fast and some have their slang. but forget about that, i'm sure i'll get used to it sooner or later. never fear to speak up kan?
actually tak tahu nak tulis apa coz takleh nak berfikir dengan aman, anak2 kak balkis tgh havoc kat blakang ni. hehe. looking at the kids make me missed my kids sooooooo much!! :( ever since i reached here, tak sempat nak cakap phone dgn diorang lagi. tapi dgn hubby of course dahla. itu wajib. rindu sgt aisya & faris, memang saya takkan tahan dok sini for 1 year without them around. tak sabar nak fetch diorang mid oct nanti. hopefully i've settled in by then.
as of now, i need to concentrate on searching for a home to live in. i need a home coz i want my family to feel at home when they arrive here. tanaklah diorang rasa tak best nanti. i like rumah kak balkis but it's too big for our family of 4. besides i can save some money if i go for a smaller house. i've decided to get a house very near to uni & school so that i could walk to uni and hubby could walk aisya to/fro school every day. food shouldn't be much a problem here. tesco is very near and they have loads of halal meat and other foods too. kedai paki pon not far from here. mcm2 ada, even yg tak penah jumpa kat malaysia pon ada kat sini. the most important, the food here is very cheap. and that's my greatest fear!! hahaha
and here's some pictures i've taken since i arrived here. the weather is sooooo cold that i need to wear 3 clothes at a time..
so far, i'm still adjusting my hearing to how the local people speak. sometimes quite susah nak faham coz some people speak very fast and some have their slang. but forget about that, i'm sure i'll get used to it sooner or later. never fear to speak up kan?
actually tak tahu nak tulis apa coz takleh nak berfikir dengan aman, anak2 kak balkis tgh havoc kat blakang ni. hehe. looking at the kids make me missed my kids sooooooo much!! :( ever since i reached here, tak sempat nak cakap phone dgn diorang lagi. tapi dgn hubby of course dahla. itu wajib. rindu sgt aisya & faris, memang saya takkan tahan dok sini for 1 year without them around. tak sabar nak fetch diorang mid oct nanti. hopefully i've settled in by then.
as of now, i need to concentrate on searching for a home to live in. i need a home coz i want my family to feel at home when they arrive here. tanaklah diorang rasa tak best nanti. i like rumah kak balkis but it's too big for our family of 4. besides i can save some money if i go for a smaller house. i've decided to get a house very near to uni & school so that i could walk to uni and hubby could walk aisya to/fro school every day. food shouldn't be much a problem here. tesco is very near and they have loads of halal meat and other foods too. kedai paki pon not far from here. mcm2 ada, even yg tak penah jumpa kat malaysia pon ada kat sini. the most important, the food here is very cheap. and that's my greatest fear!! hahaha
and here's some pictures i've taken since i arrived here. the weather is sooooo cold that i need to wear 3 clothes at a time..
wah dah update blog rupanya :))
glad you're settling down
aini, ni jela masanya nak update blog.. hehe.. settle down betoi2 belum lagi.. still adjusting & learning..
syoknyer..syukur alhamdulillah awk dh selamat sampai sana..kirim salam pada k.balkis dan mar yg sudi membntu adik kakak ni di sana...takecare..kakak miss u so much..InsyaAllah,kalau xder aral,kakak akan turun Kl antar ur kids kat KLIA..kebetulan 16hb tu jatuh weekend...
k.mi, thanks! syok tu tak sgt pon sbb sini sejuk sgt. kalau kat mesia panas, saya rela panas. huhu. seb baik ada org jaga saya kat sini, kalau sorang2, hari2 saya nangis. huhu
kelas dah start ke belum?
ala janganlah sedih, nanti chot & kids sampailah tu :)
eh ade kak mar..tuan umah ku,.kim salam kak mar.hehe
ler ainul dok rumah kak mar ke? what a small world.. :)
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