Alhamdulillah.. pagi tadi sempat dengar sambungan kisah Nabi Ibrahim dengan raja yg zalim - Namrud.. Pada zaman tu, hanya beberapa orang sahaja yg beriman kepada Allah, yakni Nabi Ibrahim dan beberapa pengikutnya.. yang lain semuanya kafir, menyembah berhala dan juga menyembah raja mereka si Namrud..
Namrud adalah raja yg sangat sombong & angkuh dengan kekuasaannya, walaupon dia tahu Tuhan Nabi Ibrahim lebih berkuasa darinya.. Ini diperlihatkan ketika Namrud dan sekutunya menghumban Nabi Ibrahim ke dalam api yg sangat besar, dan api tersebut diprepare dgn kayu api yg sangat banyak, yg dikumpul oleh pengikut2 Namrud, even nenek tua yg bongkok pon turut pergi cari kayu api semata2 kerana bencikan Nabi Ibrahim.. sebabnya, Nabi Ibrahim telah memusnahkan berhala2 yg disembah mereka, yang menjadi keagungan & warisan nenek moyang mereka.. Setelah dihumbankan ke dalam api yg sangat besar tersebut, Allah telah mengutus malaikat utk menemani Nabi Ibrahim di dalam api tersebut.. Betapa kekuasaan Allah, api yg marak itu tak sedikit pon menjilat tubuh Nabi Ibrahim.. ada kisah yg mengatakan, hanya tali ikatan tangan & bajunya yg terbakar, tetapi auratnya masih terpelihara.. Nabi Ibrahim tidak merasa panas malahan selesa berada di dalam api tersebut.. baginda dapat beribadah kepada Allah dgn tekun dan aman dari gangguan orang2 kafir.. Setelah berpuluh2 hari di dalam api (tak ingat berapa hari, 40 kot), Namrud pon mengambil keputusan untuk naik ke tempat yg tinggi bagi melihat apa yg telah terjadi kepada Nabi Ibrahim.. dan dia sangat terkejut kerana melihat Nabi Ibrahim masih hidup dan sedang beribadat sambil ditemani seorang lelaki (malaikat utusan Allah).. lalu Namrud sendiri mengakui kehebatan Tuhan Nabi Ibrahim dan mengorbankan beribu2 ekor haiwan ternakan (lembu/unta tak sure) sebagai hadiah kepada tuhan Nabi Ibrahim.. masa tu Nabi Ibrahim dah dikeluarkan daripada api tersebut.. dan Nabi Ibrahim berkata kepada Namrud bahawa korban Namrud tersebut tidak diterima Tuhannya, Allah SWT.. ini kerana walaupon Namrud mengakui kehebatan Allah, dia tetap tidak mahu mengikut Nabi Ibrahim menyembah Allah.. dan disebabkan itu, Namrud memtuskan perang kepada Nabi Ibrahim, dan mengumpul semua pengikutnya (bala tentera) untuk bertempur dengan Nabi Ibrahim dan pengikutnya yg sangat sedikit di suatu tempat yg dijanjikan selepas Subuh keesokan harinya..
sebaik sahaja terbit fajar, Namrud dan bala tenteranya telah bersedia di tempat yg dijanjikan.. dan tiba2 kelihatan awan hitam menuju ke arah mereka.. dan yang paling menakutkan, awan hitam tersebut sebenarnya adalah segerombolan nyamuk yang diutuskan oleh Allah (bala tentera) untuk berperang dgn Namrud.. ada kisah mengatakan nyamuk2 tersebut adalah malaikat utusan Allah, tapi ada juga mengatakan itu adalah nyamuk biasa.. saiz nyamuk tersebut tak besar, sebesar nyamuk biasa, tapi jumlahnya sangatlah banyak.. tentera Namrud diserang nyamuk di seluruh badan.. dan akibat kesakitan, ada yang menghayun pedang sesama sendiri dan mati.. ada juga yang mati kekeringan kerana darad mereka telah habis dihisap nyamuk.. subhanallah.. betapa hebat kekuasaan Allah.. Namrud berjaya escape, melarikan diri balik ke istananya.. tapi diriwayatkan, ada seekor nyamuk yang mengikutnya dan sampai sahaja di istana, nyamuk tersebut telah memasuki hidung Namrud dan memasuki saluran terus ke otak.. diriwayatkan nyamuk tersebut telah menetap di dalam kepala Namrud selama 40 tahun, tapi kalau tak betul pon bilangan tahun ni, lama la nyamuk tu duduk kat kepala dia.. dan setiap kali nyamuk tu gigit/hisap otak dia, kepalanya akan teramat sakit dan akan disuruh hamba2nya (yg selama ini diherdik & dicaci) untuk memukul kepalanya menggunakan tongkat.. kadang2 tu hamba2 ini akan menggunakan selipar mereka untuk memukul kepala raja mereka.. subhanallah.. betapa besar kekuasaan Allah, sehinggakan maruah Namrud sebagai raja diperlekehkan dan dijatuhkan di hadapan hamba2nya sendiri.. itulah balasan utk orang yg sombong terhadap Allah.. (to be continued..)
[+] seperti yg diceritakan oleh Ustaz Wan Sohor Bani bin Leman di ruangan Zikra setiap pagi Isnin-Jumaat di stesen radio RMKL (97.2) dari jam 645 - 700am..
[+] saya tak pandai bercerita, kalau mana yang salah tu datang dari diri saya sendiri.. motif saya post kat sini sebagai pengajaran kepada kita semua yg sombong sesama umat & sombong kepada Allah.. Allah boleh uji kita di akhirat yang mungkin kita tak reti nak gambarkan siksanya.. tapi Allah mungkin uji kita di dunia, dengan memberi kita musibah dalam apa jua bentuk.. dan terimalah musibah tersebut sebagai kafarah, yakni sebagai pembersihan hati kita & dosa2 kita di dunia.. jangan pula bila diberi musibah, kita tak henti2 mengeluh, semakin kufur, sobong atau tidak bersyukur.. post ini juga sebagai peringatan untuk diri saya sendiri juga.. kepada yg menerima musibah di dunia, bersyukurlah, sesungguhnya Allah hendak meringankan beban kita di akhirat kelak..
[+] utk sahabat, janganlah kamu berbangga dengan kejahilan dan segala bentuk dosa yang kamu lakukan di dunia.. sesungguhnya perbuatan kamu itu dilaknati Allah.. nauzubillah.. semoga engkau bertaubat & insaf.. semoga Allah membuka pintu hatimu sebelum ditutupNya pintu taubat..
Friday, March 24, 2006
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
diri ini teringin sangat2:
[1] nak anak lagi.. (rindunye cuti yg lama..)
[2] nak sambung MBA full-time dgn hubby kat UITM (rindunye nak belajar & bercinta (^_^)
tengah berfikir2 nak yg mana satu dulu.. 2-2 pon nak.. hemmpp.. tamak kan?
[1] nak anak lagi.. (rindunye cuti yg lama..)
[2] nak sambung MBA full-time dgn hubby kat UITM (rindunye nak belajar & bercinta (^_^)
tengah berfikir2 nak yg mana satu dulu.. 2-2 pon nak.. hemmpp.. tamak kan?
My Life
Monday, March 20, 2006
Ahlan ya Arianna!
Welcome to the world dear Arianna & Congratulations to your dearest mom & dad, Qz & Rumet! No word could speak louder than happiness, I guess! May Allah blessed you with happiness & life full of barakah..
salam sayang from Auntie Julie, Uncle Chot & Kak Aisya.. ^_^
salam sayang from Auntie Julie, Uncle Chot & Kak Aisya.. ^_^
the T* tudung day..
as usual, today is the bad tudung day.. i'm a bit used to wearing it already, even though there are kelepets here and there.. wearing it regularly on Monday is not that as bad as the 1st time we have to wear it.. our GM is always concern about T* policy that we should obey as executives.. he will walk around in the office to ensure everybody obey the rule! hemm.. as long as I get paid timely every end of the month & get bonus every mid of the year, i think wearing T* tudung is no big deal (tahun ni ada bonus ke? uhh..)
the worst part for me is during travelling to work by LRT from Kelana Jaya station.. since I am wearing the company's brand on my head, I really need to act like a re-branded T* person.. I need to carefully act in front of people around me.. I can't simply push people when I want to get out of the train, instead, I need to politely say "Excuse me.." and give a smile to people who block my way & then say "Thank you.." once I get my way.. am i being hipocrit? (No.. I'm always polite.. haha) it's good at one point, the company is actually teaching the employees to behave nicely & react politely to the public.. but the -ve point is that, we cannot:
[+] arrive late at work
[+] go out for lunch early and return late
[+] meng"ular" at lunchtime (cause we'll ended arriving late at the office)
[-] what else??
I think it's good if T* ask ALL employees to wear this tudung/tie, regardless of Exec or non-Exec.. BE FAIR kan?? and it's good for the company if they ask us to wear it on Friday.. hehe.. no more shopping time during the lunch hour!
p/s: I'm hoping that nobody in the LRT will approach me asking me to help them with their phone bills!
the worst part for me is during travelling to work by LRT from Kelana Jaya station.. since I am wearing the company's brand on my head, I really need to act like a re-branded T* person.. I need to carefully act in front of people around me.. I can't simply push people when I want to get out of the train, instead, I need to politely say "Excuse me.." and give a smile to people who block my way & then say "Thank you.." once I get my way.. am i being hipocrit? (No.. I'm always polite.. haha) it's good at one point, the company is actually teaching the employees to behave nicely & react politely to the public.. but the -ve point is that, we cannot:
[+] arrive late at work
[+] go out for lunch early and return late
[+] meng"ular" at lunchtime (cause we'll ended arriving late at the office)
[-] what else??
I think it's good if T* ask ALL employees to wear this tudung/tie, regardless of Exec or non-Exec.. BE FAIR kan?? and it's good for the company if they ask us to wear it on Friday.. hehe.. no more shopping time during the lunch hour!
p/s: I'm hoping that nobody in the LRT will approach me asking me to help them with their phone bills!
Friday, March 17, 2006
Simple way to cut your electric bill
Just to share this article with my blog readers.. I've been praticing some of the advice & it works! We've cut down our bill in the past few months.. (sikit pon jadila.. still a saving to us! Plus, the 30 cents hike of fuel price really effect our daily expenditure now!)
We often take our electric bill for granted. And as time goes by, as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, the bills will creep up. Sadly, even when we see it going up, we just shrug our shoulders and accept that it is the cost of living and maintaining our house.But it ain't necessarily so. I have discovered that I can cut down at least twenty percent of my electric bills by making some simple changes. It does not take much doing but it saved me a lot of money. Some of the things you can do to save on your electric bills are listed below.
Use fluorescent bulbs
Use fluorescent light bulbs instead of incandescent bulbs. They are more efficient and longer lasting. My electric bills have dropped some RM40 per month since I changed to fluorescent bulbs.
Use energy efficient light bulbs
I realized that saving energy is not a big thing in this country. But these energy efficient bulbs - while being just as bright - can reduce your electric bills in the long run. The manufacturers claim the savings to be over 25%. And that's some big money right there.
Use low wattage light bulbs
For areas that do not need very bright lights and illumination, use low wattage bulbs as they are cheaper to run. Of course, you should also ensure that you do not fix a high watt bulb into a low wattage fixture. For example, putting in a 100 watt bulb into a 60 watt fixture is triple doo-doo. Not only it wastes energy and money, but you also run the chance of damaging the fixture. Banyak rugi loh...
Switch off lights when not in use <--- we always forget this!
Maybe obvious. But guess who is guilty of this? That's right. Yours truly. I often leave lights on even when going out of the room on the basis that I may return in a short while. But often time, I come back two hours later. An expensive two hours, I may add.
Not anymore though. I now switch off ALL electric appliances if I'm going out of a room. After all, if it can reduce my bills and save me money, why not? Heck, I'll switch off anything if I can save money by doing so!
Don't set the temperature of your air-conditioner too low
Of course the whole idea of having an air-conditioner is too keep a cool comfortable temperature. But that does not mean that you have to set the temperature down to Arctic conditions. Other than freezing you to death, it is also very expensive. Choose a comfortable temperature setting - say 24 degrees Celsius - and stick with it.
You should know that each degree lower drains your wallet.
Use ceiling fans instead of air-conditioners <--- i managed not to buy an air-conditoner for our bedroom, instead we install a ceiling fan only.. ok jer..
Ceiling fans are very effective while being a lot cheaper to run. So whenever it is not too hot, switch on the fans instead of the air-con.
And according to Consumer Reports in the US, by turning both the air-con and the ceiling fan on, you will also save money. For example, set the air-con at 25 degrees and the fan will reduce the temp by a further two degrees. In other words, the room now is a comfortable 23 degrees.
Don't set the temperature of your refrigerator and freezer too low
You can turn up the temperature of the fridge and freezer by a couple of degrees and your food will remain as fresh as ever. But your electric bills will go down. You win both ways!
Of course, do check the owner's manual as to the recommended setting.
courtesy of Azizi Ali - Millionaire Coach
We often take our electric bill for granted. And as time goes by, as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, the bills will creep up. Sadly, even when we see it going up, we just shrug our shoulders and accept that it is the cost of living and maintaining our house.But it ain't necessarily so. I have discovered that I can cut down at least twenty percent of my electric bills by making some simple changes. It does not take much doing but it saved me a lot of money. Some of the things you can do to save on your electric bills are listed below.
Use fluorescent bulbs
Use fluorescent light bulbs instead of incandescent bulbs. They are more efficient and longer lasting. My electric bills have dropped some RM40 per month since I changed to fluorescent bulbs.
Use energy efficient light bulbs
I realized that saving energy is not a big thing in this country. But these energy efficient bulbs - while being just as bright - can reduce your electric bills in the long run. The manufacturers claim the savings to be over 25%. And that's some big money right there.
Use low wattage light bulbs
For areas that do not need very bright lights and illumination, use low wattage bulbs as they are cheaper to run. Of course, you should also ensure that you do not fix a high watt bulb into a low wattage fixture. For example, putting in a 100 watt bulb into a 60 watt fixture is triple doo-doo. Not only it wastes energy and money, but you also run the chance of damaging the fixture. Banyak rugi loh...
Switch off lights when not in use <--- we always forget this!
Maybe obvious. But guess who is guilty of this? That's right. Yours truly. I often leave lights on even when going out of the room on the basis that I may return in a short while. But often time, I come back two hours later. An expensive two hours, I may add.
Not anymore though. I now switch off ALL electric appliances if I'm going out of a room. After all, if it can reduce my bills and save me money, why not? Heck, I'll switch off anything if I can save money by doing so!
Don't set the temperature of your air-conditioner too low
Of course the whole idea of having an air-conditioner is too keep a cool comfortable temperature. But that does not mean that you have to set the temperature down to Arctic conditions. Other than freezing you to death, it is also very expensive. Choose a comfortable temperature setting - say 24 degrees Celsius - and stick with it.
You should know that each degree lower drains your wallet.
Use ceiling fans instead of air-conditioners <--- i managed not to buy an air-conditoner for our bedroom, instead we install a ceiling fan only.. ok jer..
Ceiling fans are very effective while being a lot cheaper to run. So whenever it is not too hot, switch on the fans instead of the air-con.
And according to Consumer Reports in the US, by turning both the air-con and the ceiling fan on, you will also save money. For example, set the air-con at 25 degrees and the fan will reduce the temp by a further two degrees. In other words, the room now is a comfortable 23 degrees.
Don't set the temperature of your refrigerator and freezer too low
You can turn up the temperature of the fridge and freezer by a couple of degrees and your food will remain as fresh as ever. But your electric bills will go down. You win both ways!
Of course, do check the owner's manual as to the recommended setting.
courtesy of Azizi Ali - Millionaire Coach
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
tetibe rasa blues.. keje ade.. tapi tahla.. rasa lonely.. rasa malas.. rasa sedih.. nak nangis pon ada.. rasa nak layan lagu celine dion.. rasa nak duduk tepi pantai.. dengar bunyi ombak.. tak pon jalan2 main pasir pantai.. rindukan mak.. rindu sangat.. sampai sesak dada.. rasa terpanggil nak balik kampung, nak ziarah kubur mak.. tanam pokok bunga kat kubur tuh, supaya boleh berzikir sama.. nak ambik gambar2 lama mak yg kat rumah sana, bawak datang sini.. kadang2 mimpikan mak, rasa happy sangat dlm mimpi tuh.. tapi bile celik, sedar dari tidur, terus rasa tersentak.. mak dah takde.. kadang2 nak buat2 as if mak masih ada.. rasa nak belikan kad besday or call slalu.. tapi semua tak mampu nak buat.. kenangan2 lama slalu datang balik.. ingat lagi sekali tu kena sengat ngan lipan.. sakit sangat.. aku nangis2 takleh tido.. then mak gosok kaki dgn minyak sampai tertidur.. esok pagi bangun dah tak sakit.. sekali tu tangan pijar kena cili.. pon sampai takleh tido.. mak gosok dgn minyak jugak sampai aku tertidur.. pastu esok dah tak sakit.. macam magic kan? itulah kehebatan doa seorang mak.. ingat lagi masa dulu, kalau stay-up buat homework atau assignment, mak akan tunggu sama2 kat meja dengan 2 cawan kopi panas.. dia akan teman walaupon dia sangat2 mengantuk.. mak tak penah setkan target berapa A aku kena dapat, tapi setiap kali nak test atau exam, mak akan solat hajat & doa & suruh semua adik-beradik solat hajat sama.. alhamdulillah selalu sangat dapat A.. seronok sangat! kalau dengar lagu my mother dari album i look, i see.. mesti sayu.. sbb my mother dah takde.. semoga aku dapat menjadi seorang ibu seperti arwah mak kepada anak2ku kelak.. mak, lagu ni julie dedicate khas buat mak.. semoga mak bahagia di sana.. i'm sure you are.. i love you..
Who should I give my love to?
My respect and my honour to?
Who should I pay good mind to - after Allah,And Rasullullah?
Comes your Mother,Who next?
Your Mother
Who next?
Your Mother
And then your Father
Cause who used to hold you
And clean you and cloth you?
Who used to feed you
And always be with you?
When you were sick, stay up all night,
Holding you tight?
Thats right no other, My Mother
Who should I take good care of,
Giving all my love?
Who should I think the most of - after AllahAnd Rasullullah?
Comes your Mother,Who next?
Your Mother
Who next?
Your Mother
And then your Father
Cause who used to hear you
Before you could talk?
Who used to hold you
Before you could walk?
And when you fell, whod pick you up?
Clean your cut?
No one but, your Mother, my Mother
Who should I stay right close to?
Listen most to?
Never say no to - after AllahAnd Rasullullah?
Comes your Mother,Who next?
Your Mother
Who next?
Your Mother
And then your Father
Cause who used to hug you
And buy you new clothes?
Comb your hair and blow your nose?
And when you cried who wiped your tears?
Knows your fears?
Who really cares?My Mother...
Say Alhamdulillah,Thank you Allah
Thank You Allah for my Mother..
Who should I give my love to?
My respect and my honour to?
Who should I pay good mind to - after Allah,And Rasullullah?
Comes your Mother,Who next?
Your Mother
Who next?
Your Mother
And then your Father
Cause who used to hold you
And clean you and cloth you?
Who used to feed you
And always be with you?
When you were sick, stay up all night,
Holding you tight?
Thats right no other, My Mother
Who should I take good care of,
Giving all my love?
Who should I think the most of - after AllahAnd Rasullullah?
Comes your Mother,Who next?
Your Mother
Who next?
Your Mother
And then your Father
Cause who used to hear you
Before you could talk?
Who used to hold you
Before you could walk?
And when you fell, whod pick you up?
Clean your cut?
No one but, your Mother, my Mother
Who should I stay right close to?
Listen most to?
Never say no to - after AllahAnd Rasullullah?
Comes your Mother,Who next?
Your Mother
Who next?
Your Mother
And then your Father
Cause who used to hug you
And buy you new clothes?
Comb your hair and blow your nose?
And when you cried who wiped your tears?
Knows your fears?
Who really cares?My Mother...
Say Alhamdulillah,Thank you Allah
Thank You Allah for my Mother..
Monday, March 13, 2006
Few things to buy this year..
Since my budget is quite tight for this year (need to save some for the new house), i really need to carefully choose and pick items that i want to buy for myself.. i already have a list back in my mind for quite a long time, and i am thinking that i should buy some of it to fulfill my needs, at least 1. My original list consists:
[1] a pair of Clark shoes/sandals
[2] a food processor
[3] a small oven
[4] a mixer
[5] a PDA
I called my brother in Kota Bharu, asking about the food mixer and the small oven that I think nobody is using at home.. he said there are 3 mixers and 1 oven that is left unused.. ngeh ngeh.. now I can get item 3 & 4 for FREE! 3 items left.. as for PDA, the main purpose i want to buy it because I like to jot everything (phone numbers/ addresses/ daily expenses.. etc tec..) on paper and stuff everything into my handbag.. it's really a mess! the price of a PDA is quite expensive just for record/data keeping purpose.. hempp.. after thinking for many many times, i finally decided that i will only use small note books that will cost me only a few ringgit each instead of a PDA.. and yes, i manage to put everything i want in that small note book and save a lot of hundreds!
now, the list only left with 2 items, which I can't find the replacement yet..
[1] a pair of Clark shoes/sandals
[2] a food processor
but for item 1, since the price is approximately rm200, i'm asking my sister in UK to survey the price they are selling there, and if it's cheaper, i'll ask her to buy it for me before she come back to Malaysia this June!! =)
[1] a pair of Clark shoes/sandals
[2] a food processor
[3] a small oven
[4] a mixer
[5] a PDA
I called my brother in Kota Bharu, asking about the food mixer and the small oven that I think nobody is using at home.. he said there are 3 mixers and 1 oven that is left unused.. ngeh ngeh.. now I can get item 3 & 4 for FREE! 3 items left.. as for PDA, the main purpose i want to buy it because I like to jot everything (phone numbers/ addresses/ daily expenses.. etc tec..) on paper and stuff everything into my handbag.. it's really a mess! the price of a PDA is quite expensive just for record/data keeping purpose.. hempp.. after thinking for many many times, i finally decided that i will only use small note books that will cost me only a few ringgit each instead of a PDA.. and yes, i manage to put everything i want in that small note book and save a lot of hundreds!
now, the list only left with 2 items, which I can't find the replacement yet..
[1] a pair of Clark shoes/sandals
[2] a food processor
but for item 1, since the price is approximately rm200, i'm asking my sister in UK to survey the price they are selling there, and if it's cheaper, i'll ask her to buy it for me before she come back to Malaysia this June!! =)
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Aisya loves Allah

After having lunch, we bought a few pieces of cloths for Aisya (since there was a SALE) and straight away go home.. along the way back, Aisya couldn't behave nicely.. she was so sleepy and tired of walking & running here and there.. she kept on crying and wailing.. oh my God, I realized that I forgot to bring along her binky (pacifier)! she couldn't sleep without her binky during the day.. gosh! I tried hard to soothe her but it didn't work.. then I hugged her tightly and recite the zikir for Allah.. you know, the one we always says during zikir munajat..
Allah.. Allah.. Allah ya Allah.
and she felt asleep soundly in less than 1 minute! see, how amazing kids are! and how Merciful the Creator is.. Subhanallah.. so, everytime you find it's hard to comfort your crying baby, hold them tight, rub their back & says the zikrullah.. insyallah they'll be ok.. you'll see how kids really love Allah..
Aisya Afiqah
Banker's Cheque
I just came back from HR of T*, sending my housing loan application.. hope that the loan processing won't take long..
uh, actually what i wanna share is that i was so suprised with the service of Bank Islam .. before sending the loan application, i need to prepare a banker's cheque for the processing fees.. 1 for me & 1 for hubby since we apply for joined loan.. the HR won't accept any personal cheque or cash so I need to prepare a banker's cheque.. usually i go to Maybank for this kind of stuff.. but since only Bank Islam seems the most convenience to me currently (only 100m walking distance), so I went there.. and it really suprised me that the commission for each of my banker's cheque is only RM1.15, really2 cheap as compared to Maybank's, which is RM5.00 minimum per transaction! (why am I so stupid before this??) I already made several banker's cheque with Maybank in the past months, with the looooong queue, had to pay for parking, really2 waste of my time and money! i hate this!
so, moral of the story, next time I shall re-visit Bank Islam for any official banking stuff!
uh, actually what i wanna share is that i was so suprised with the service of Bank Islam .. before sending the loan application, i need to prepare a banker's cheque for the processing fees.. 1 for me & 1 for hubby since we apply for joined loan.. the HR won't accept any personal cheque or cash so I need to prepare a banker's cheque.. usually i go to Maybank for this kind of stuff.. but since only Bank Islam seems the most convenience to me currently (only 100m walking distance), so I went there.. and it really suprised me that the commission for each of my banker's cheque is only RM1.15, really2 cheap as compared to Maybank's, which is RM5.00 minimum per transaction! (why am I so stupid before this??) I already made several banker's cheque with Maybank in the past months, with the looooong queue, had to pay for parking, really2 waste of my time and money! i hate this!
so, moral of the story, next time I shall re-visit Bank Islam for any official banking stuff!
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Her BIG teeth

oh! btw, notice how ayu she is in Bienda style tudung.. =)
Aisya Afiqah
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