Thursday, July 27, 2006


I used to have that irresistible habit once (like Yati's in her latest post) when Aisya was still a small baby. Who on earth could withstand the temptation of baby's beautiful gowns and skirt? Plus if it's on Sale! After a while, hubby & I ended with too many clothes for Aisya, and some of them have hardly been worn, maybe once or twice. We finally figured out the bad side of being hooked to the habit to our financial track. Then we decided to buy only necessary things during our outings by listing all the needs before going out. Sometimes we ended buying lesser that we planned, especially on clothes and food. Plus now I'm really careful when picking up groceries or raw food at the market, because I hate throwing food into the dustbin because of expired or left uncooked in the fridge for too long. It's really a waste!


Sometimes the excitement of Mega Sale cannot hold us back from spending BIG, especially on shoes & clothes. But for food, we still manage not to get attached to expensive dining, enough for delicious food at reasonable price. Cannot afford yet maaa. We rarely (or maybe never until we get too rich) spend money on expensive things, but normally we'll try to look for branded things at a good bargain during Mega Sale. Saje laa nak merasa kan? Our priority would go for the price 1st, followed by the quality the brand (except for my shoes, quality & brand will be the 2nd priority - he he). That's why before buying or trying an outfit, we'll check the price tag 1st. It might looks clumsy to some people, but hey, we're the one who's paying ok & not to be hypocrite here. So, as for this year's Mega Sale, I think I want to score BIG as not to miss this once-in-a-year chance! Done with the Part 1 of my retail therapy last weekend - =P Shall proceed with Hari Raya shopping next weekend!.. isk tak sabarnye..


y@tipruzz said...

psst--awak nyer retail therapy kat aner?

Anonymous said...

weekend lepas kat Sunway Pyramid.. siap tinggal Aisya kat nursery.. hehe.. sbb nak tgk wayang & nak shopping dgn senang lenang.. tp kan wak, bila Aisya takde, laju gile kite swipe card.. muahaha.. sbb takde gangguan..paling best kite beli jeans & slack Padini at 40+ jek.. dahla lama tak merasa pakai jeans yg fit me well after beranak.. hehehe.. t-shirt utk pakai kat rumah rm10 jek by Nicole.. kedai kasut tak berani masuk takut terbeli.. hehe

awak lak kat mana? alamanda byk tak kedai buat sales? sun pyramid byk gile.. rambang mata!

y@tipruzz said...

sunway best eh, kite jarang pi sana julie. kita ari tu pi klcc, masuk parkson ngan isetan, tp baju budak cam tak best, so pegi IOI, berhabis kat situ jer. Baju kite tak tgk, tak aim nak shopping utk diri sendiri pon lagi.

alamanda pegi weekend ni nyeh nyeh

(kite dah lama gilerrrr tak pakai jeans tak tahu pesal tak minat dah jeans)

Anonymous said...

parkson or metrojaya tak syok nak shopping utk kids, kalau ada pon mahal2 belaka.. utk Aisya slalu beli kat Jusco.. tak pon kat booth2 or kedai yg sale (slalunya baju made in brunei).. kat reject shop pon lawa2 gaks.. asalkan pandai pilih..

kite tingin pakai jeans sbb konon nak nampak cam muda lagi.. hehe, ngade2 kan.. kalau gi jalan kite suka pakai t-shirt long sleeve jek.. sbb tu kite rasa suit ngan jeans or slack yg cotton.. blouse ngan slack biasanya pakai gi keje, tapi slalu gi keje sarung baju kurung jek, senang..

Ummu Auni said...

aku gak tak gi shopping lagi, waha..can still resist the temptation (sebenarnya tader masa lagi sbb pi kelas memanjang)

Anonymous said...

aku pun tak shopping ah.. pi shopping, tapi yang membeli ayah dan anak-anaknye.. best gak nak retail theraphy mcm julie. Tapi nanti takut kerap ketagihan ! ahah.

Anonymous said...

ul, aini.. tunggulaa dapat back date naik grade.. ehem ehem.. just around the corner kan? some dah dapat naik.. back date 1/12/05 tau.. blehlaa shopping sket.. hehe..