Friday, April 15, 2011


Rindu sgt rasa nak update blog.. but apakan daya, makcik bz amat lately ni.. hidup rasa mcm dah tunggang terbalik, bila Sunday jer rasa nervous nak masuk Monday.. hurmmp teruk juga penangan kerja skrg ni.. dulu tak pernah pun rasa cenggini, risau gaks takut BP naik tak pasal2..

So sekarang, i keep reminding myself to keep my personal life and work separated. full stop. unless super-urgent abracadabra, i can entertain but not always ok.. i don't mind not being ranked above average as long as i can work 8.30am-5.30pm everyday.. ;) i need time for my daily dose of criminal investigation (csi, leverage, criminal mind, ncis, etc etc), play with my kids, supervise their h/work, make dinner, clean the house, me time & etc etc.. i will guiltlessly take EL whenever my kids are sick.. to me, family is always #1.. no compromize.. so bosses, pls bear with me ok..

Since dah menaip sedikit sebanyak, just nak update 'my pending tasks' (cut-off 15 Apr hehe):
1. jumpa dentist
2. buka akaun SSPN Aisya & Faris
3. insurans utk sekeluarga
4. print gambar family
5. design photobook
6. belajar menjahit
7. remove implanon
8. sort out brg2 utk sedekah
9. buat built-in cabinet kat tkt atas
10. cat apartment puchong & sewakan
11. plan trip convo UK & Spain
12. plan vacation ke Krabi
13. update kesah Europe trip
progress = 4/13 = 31%, okla kan? ada 7 months lagi nak setelkan yg lain.. insyallah sempat kot hihihi 
owh ngantuknya.. gnite!

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