emm.. my budget went off track for the last 2 months.. duit dlm kocek tinggal nyawa2 ikan sementara tunggu gaji masuk.. huhu.. sedih bangat =( most of the expenditure increases:- groceries, dine out, hp bill, baju & etc.. nampak gaya, bulan puasa ni kenala berjimat cermat.. anak baru sorang, rumah belum kena bayar, kereta baru satu, dah kena korek duit simpanan.. sedih sedih.. =(
pikir2 balik, ramadhan would be a good start to berjimat-cermat by cooking relisgiously! so, before ramadhan started, kena tanam azam sersungguh2 nih.. besides saving some money, dapatla makan healthy food as compared to outside food.. less oil, less MSG, less salt/sugar, less fat, less calories.. =P mungkin boleh kurangkan sekilo dua.. hehe
but, since cooking might consume a lot of time, i have to cook smart! (not just study smart eh) tanaklah spend the whole night cooking & preparing meal for sahur.. Ramadhan is the only month to perform solat terawih, so i must not miss a chance!
here goes my
to-do list, that i need to prepare before ramadhan comes in:
1) prepare a 1 month meal schedule utk berbuka & sahur, considering for berbuka maybe akan dine out skali skala for social gathering
2) kupas bawang merah, bawang putih & bawang besar, blend siap2, masuk dlm tupperware & simpan separuh dlm fridge, separuh kat freezer
3) cili kering direbus, kisar & tumis siap2 bersama bawang, & asam/garam/gula. masukkan dlm small2 container. nak buat sambal udang nanti, just add in udang & tak perlu masak lama2 sbb cili dah masak
4) borong lauk-pauk utk stock 2 minggu terus. siap siang semua & simpan dlm plastik2 kecik utk every meal. taruk dlm freezer
5) stock some ikan kering, telur masin & tepung cucur Adabi for emmergency days
6) prepare some favourite kuih frozen; karipap ke, popia ke. paling cikai pon nugget ayam (kena blaja buat sendiri ni)
rasanya cukup dah kot planning utk 1 bulan Ramadhan.. kalau berjaya simpan duit, blehla continue after raya nanti.. hehe.. berusahalah!!