Friday, January 28, 2011

annoyingly irresistable!!

pagi2 dah berjaya di'hasut' oleh yati utk beli photobook sempena CNY promotion.. bukan 1, tapi 2 sekaligus i beli ok.. thanks yati for the precious info!! walaupun projek photobook ni belum tahu lagi bile nak start, this purchase is kind of motivation, ahaks!

so frens out there, tunggu apa lagi?? murah banget nih!


sikulat said...

kite xmas punye promo beli 4 voucher terus.. hihihi.. ((currently dah gune 2 dah) :P

y@tipruzz said...

semah budget byk takperla :p

julies, dia sgtla time bila dpt tgk finished product dia sure satisfy bangat!!

sikulat said...

mase xmas.. harga 62 ringgit satu.. sbb tu kite beli terus 4. Kalau nak tunggu ada 70% agak jarang2 ade.. hehehe

julie.yaacob said...

bestnyer 62 ringgit satu!! kenape la tak beli time tu huhuhu

tula yati, tak sabar nak buat, tapi nak kena curik masa kat rumah la.. aisya slalu bising sbb mama dia asyik ngadap komputer ngeeee :D

next time kalau ada sale lagi, bagitahu wokeh? takpe buat later, yg penting kena grab the cheap price dulu!