Monday, January 10, 2005

morning chaos!

little Aisya didn't poo yesterday.. biasanya petang2 dah settle dah.. lepas makan ubat selsema dia tido dgn nyenyaknya sampaila ke pagi tadi..

the story begin..
at 3am, Aisya woke up asking for milk.. and again at 5am.. ngantuksnye mama.. then, dia tamo tido sampailaa pukul 545am.. nampak dia cam cool sket, i rushed to the kitchen to prepare for my sahur.. 5 minit siap buat sandwich telur & air nescafe & makan.. hebat tak? hehe.. dah imsak pon so kenala express..

pukul 600am, papa bangun tido & since budak Aisya nak orang pegang dia, kenalaa take turn utk bersiap gi keje.. after a while, it's papa's turn to comfort Aisya.. lain macam je nampak muka Aisya ni.. senyap je die.. i guess she will be poo-ing at anytime but i didn't tell hubby.. hehehe..

tgh bersiap2 dlm bilik tiba2 dengar hubby jerit.."busuuuukkknyerrr!!" hahaha.. and i admit that it was one of the smelliest poo she ever had! sampai satu rumah berbau.. hehe.. Aisya's mission to bully her papa has completed!

we went to work a little bit late today but alhamdulillah, we manage to arrive on time..

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